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Jacob Hollars Details Importance of Tracking Appellate Deadlines in Law Week Colorado

February 8, 2024

Spencer Fane attorney Jacob Hollars recently published an article, “Mind the RAP: Colorado Court of Appeals Decision Reiterates Importance of the Rules of Appellate Procedure,” with Law Week Colorado, providing a detailed commentary on sensitive appellate deadlines following an extended estate dispute.

Jacob writes of the party ruled against, “Ybarra filed a notice of appeal 29 days after the denial of his Rule 59 motion, which was also 110 days after the magistrate’s judgment and 66 days after the deadline to file post-trial motions.” Due to an approved extension following the initial ruling, Ybarra’s appeal did not fall within Colorado’s 49-day window, drawing attention to an often “confusing appellate labyrinth,” which Jacob warns should be approached with caution when tracking appellate deadlines in complex cases.

At Spencer Fane, Jacob is a litigator specializing in real estate, special district, commercial, and appellate matters. He represents companies in commercial disputes, such as breach of contract and real estate matters, and assists them in protecting their businesses.

Read the full article in Law Week Colorado here. Please note, a subscription may be required. You can also read the article on the Spencer Fane blog here.