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Jacob Hollars Talks Sheetz v. County of El Dorado in the Colorado Real Estate Journal

December 7, 2023

Spencer Fane attorney Jacob Hollars recently authored an article about a recent U.S. Supreme Court case – Sheetz v. County of El Dorado – that granted a property owner’s petition for writ of certiorari that was recently published in the Colorado Real Estate Journal.

Jacob’s article, U.S. Supreme Court: Constitutionality of Land-Use Exaction, originated as a firm blog post. Jacob explains why Sheetz presents the issue of whether “a building-permit exaction is exempt from the unconstitutional conditions doctrine … because it is authorized by legislation.”

He concluded, “Given the potential for significant impact, especially in Colorado where impact and service fees are ubiquitous, landowners and local governments alike should pay close attention to the outcome of Scheetz.”

At Spencer Fane, Jacob is a litigator specializing in real estate, special district, commercial, and appellate matters. He represents companies in commercial disputes, such as breach of contract and real estate matters, and assists them in protecting their businesses.

Read the full article here. Please note, a subscription may be required.