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Commercial Loan: Workouts, Restructuring, and Loss Mitigation

April 26, 2021

Spencer Fane attorney Elizabeth Fast recently presented a webinar covering commercial loans and the solutions for borrowers who cannot fulfill their loan obligations due to COVID-19.

Hosted by Heartland Credit Union Association, Elizabeth addressed available options with troubled commercial loans, risk exposure, and how the pandemic has impacted banking services.

During the presentation, Elizabeth discussed:

  • The regulatory guidance issued to lenders dealing with troubled loans caused by the COVID pandemic.
  • The alternatives – deferral, workout, forbearance, receivership, deed in lieu, marshaling of assets, repossession of personal property, foreclosure on real property, and deficiency judgments.
  • The proper steps to accomplish each alternative.
  • How to protect your institution from potential liability.
  • What constitutes a troubled debt restructuring for reporting purposes.

To learn more, please click here.