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The Top Fifth Circuit Employment Cases of 2020

March 2, 2021

Spencer Fane attorney Ruthie White recently presented a webinar for the State Bar of Texas, where she participated in a panel discussion about the top employment law cases from the Fifth Circuit in 2020.

During the presentation, Ruthie and the panel analyze numerous legal proceedings and their outcomes as determined by the Fifth Circuit. The panel make predictions for 2021, and emphasize that recognizing and citing the correct case “can make the difference between winning and losing.”

Among other topics, this presentation includes the guidance on:

  • If the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) protects Diabetic Employees from termination because of a diabetic episode that occurred on the job
  • Two retaliation cases that protected the plaintiff’s complaint and termination
  • Four published Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) exemption cases covering executive, administrative, and highly compensated exemptions
  • Two cases on the FLSA’s “salary basis requirement”

Date/Time: March 30, 2021 | 12:00pm-2:00pm CT
Platform: Virtual (Replay)
Registration Fee: $115

To register for the replay of this webinar, click here.