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Unfinished Benefits: Closing the Books on 2020 and Planning for 2021

November 2, 2020

A chaotic year for employee benefit plan sponsors is coming to a close, and the new year is right around the corner. Please join Spencer Fane Employee Benefits attorneys Greg AshLaura Fischer, and Dan Lacomis as they explain what employers should do to close the books on 2020 and prepare for 2021.

Webinar topics will include:

Retirement Plans:

  • Complying with 2020 SECURE Act changes
    • Required minimum distributions
    • Amendment deadlines
  • Monitoring expiring CARES Act provisions
    • Coronavirus-related distributions
    • Enhanced plan loans
  • Partial termination issues from pandemic-driven layoffs
  • New DOL guidance on plan investments
    • ESG funds
    • Private equity
  • Planning for 2021 SECURE Act compliance
    • Lifetime income disclosures
    • Eligibility for long-term part-time employees

Health Plans:

  • Public Health Emergency and National Emergency implications
    • Coverage requirements for COVID-19 testing and treatment
    • Extended deadlines for COBRA, HIPAA Special Enrollment, and claims/appeals
  • 2021 Updates
    • Extension of ACA reporting deadline
    • Health Plan Limits (deductibles, out-of-pocket maximums, HSA contributions)
  • Legal Developments
    • Supreme Court review of the ACA
    • Transparency in coverage Rule

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