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Shawn Tuma Educates About Cyber Due Diligence in M&A for InfraGard Webinar

June 8, 2023

Spencer Fane attorney Shawn Tuma served as the key presenter for an InfraGard National Members Alliance Legal CSC webinar on June 1.

During the presentation, Due Diligence in M&A, Shawn utilized his knowledge as a cybersecurity and data privacy thought leader to discuss digital due diligence in the mergers and acquisitions process. Attendees included InfraGard members and their guests.

InfraGard is an FBI-affiliated nonprofit organization dedicated to strengthening national security, community resilience, and the foundation of American life. InfraGard is one of the FBI’s longest-running outreach programs and its largest public-private partnership.

At Spencer Fane, Shawn helps businesses protect their information and protect themselves from their information. He represents a wide range of clients, from small to midsize companies to Fortune 100 companies, across the United States and globally in dealing with cybersecurity, data privacy, data breach and incident response, regulatory compliance, computer fraud-related legal issues, and cyber-related litigation.