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Helen Holden Discusses the FTC’s Proposed Noncompete Agreement Ban in InBusiness Phoenix

February 10, 2023

Spencer Fane attorney Helen Holden recently discussed a new proposed Federal Trade Commission (FTC) rule that will effectively ban the use of noncompete agreements in InBusiness Phoenix.

Her article, Coming Soon: A Nationwide Ban on Noncompete Agreements?, outlines the specifics of the FTC’s noncompete ban as well as the agency’s rationale for the proposed changes. Helen also anticipates legal challenges to the rule and provided advice to employers “in the interim.”

“Employers now have the opportunity to provide comments to the rule,” Helen said. “[They] should confer with employment counsel regarding enforceability of their current noncompetition and other restrictive covenant agreements with employees.”

At Spencer Fane, Helen helps businesses understand how successfully navigating the alphabet soup of federal and state employment laws can positively impact company culture. She brings over 20 years of experience to her focus on management-side employment law, which is evident in the practical advice and training she provides to management on human resource issues. Helen’s clients include companies in diverse industry sectors, including construction, real estate, manufacturing, technology, health care, distribution, and the retail and service sectors.

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