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Dave Seitter Answers the Question “Is Retirement Right For You?” on Exit Business Your Way Podcast

January 3, 2023

Spencer Fane attorney Dave Seitter was recently featured on the Exit Your Business Your Way podcast’s December 8 episode, “Is Retirement Right For You?,” to discuss retirement and exit plan development.

Alongside host Ross Brannon, Dave provided advice for selling a business; discussed the benefits of a strategic coach, the right reasons for selling, and potential business owner mistakes; defined deal fatigue; and outlined how to develop an exit program.

“At the end of the day, can you write down on a piece of paper: 1. When do I want to sell? and 2. Why do I want to sell? Start there,” Dave said, regarding his most important piece of advice to business owners. “You can strike out the when. I don’t really think that’s relevant. It’s the why.”

At Spencer Fane, Dave’s practice focuses on complex business issues critical to his clients’ transactions and responds rapidly to provide legal counseling in dynamic business situations. As an advisor to business owners, C-suite executives, and high-net-worth individuals, Dave is viewed as a thought leader by bringing innovative approaches and actionable solutions to clients.

Listen to the full episode here.