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Vincent Aiello Authors Tech Crunch Article on IRC Section 1202

November 22, 2022

Spencer Fane attorney Vincent Aiello shared how startups and savvy tech founders should consider the excellent long-term tax savings afforded by IRS Code Section 1202 in an article published by Tech Crunch.

In his article, Use IRS Code Section 1202 to Sell Your Multimillion-Dollar Startup Tax-Free, Vincent provides a general overview concerning the major requirements and tax savings provided by forming a startup entity structured to maximize the capital gains tax exclusion in IRC 1202.

Vincent said, “The IRC 1202 gain exclusion allows stockholders, founders, private equity and venture capitalists to claim a minimum $10 million federal income tax exclusion on capital gains for the sale of QSBS.”

At Spencer Fane, Vincent helps business owners solve legal problems to secure revenue flow and reduce business risks. He frequently advises individuals and businesses on complex commercial, bankruptcy, fiduciary, and trust litigation.

Read the full Tech Crunch article here. Please note, a subscription may be required.