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Julia Vander Weele Talks Employer Uncertainty in Kansas City Business Journal

August 2, 2022

Spencer Fane attorney Julia Vander Weele was recently quoted in a Kansas City Business Journal article discussing how the ongoing changes in abortion law are creating a lot of uncertainty and risk for employers, most significantly through employee benefits.

In the article, Kansas City-Area Lawyers Say Rapid Change in Abortion Law Raises Risks For Employers, Julia outlined the many moving pieces and unknowns for employers and attorneys alike when it comes to laws related to abortion, including “the interplay of federal mandates and state prohibitions and the nuances of insurance versus self-funded benefits.”

In the article, Julia shares, “We’re finding employers aren’t fully aware of what their plans cover today. Navigating the issue involves figuring out what your current state is and then deciding whether any change is desired or required under the state laws where you operate.”

At Spencer Fane, Julia practices in the areas of employer health and welfare plans and retirement plans. She helps employers and other benefit plan sponsors comply with a broad range of legal requirements, allowing them to recruit and retain talented employees with competitive tax-favored benefit packages while shielding their directors and officers from personal liability.

To read the full article, please click here. Please note, a Kansas City Business Journal subscription may be required.