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Jon Farnsworth Provides Guidance for 911 Calling Compliance Under Ray Baum’s Act

May 26, 2022

Spencer Fane attorney Jon Farnsworth wrote an article published in the Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics and Health Care Compliance Association’s publication, The Compliance and Ethics Blog, covering 911 calling and the Ray Baum’s Act.

Titled “Employers Caught Off-Guard by Recent Implementation Deadline for Ensuring 911-Calling Compliance,” Jon offers guidance to employers on complying with the Ray Baum’s Act implemented by the Federal Communications Commission on January 6, 2022.

Jon also notes that many companies have been caught off-guard since the Act applies to software platforms that allow dialing from a computer in addition to landlines and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phones.

To read The Compliance and Ethics Blog article, please click here. Elements of Jon’s blog were also featured in a Resourceful Finance Pro article, which can be found here.