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Shawn Tuma Provides Insight on Cybersecurity in the Real Estate Industry

November 16, 2021

Spencer Fane attorney Shawn Tuma recently joined The INSIDERS on Real Estate and Marketing podcast to discuss cybersecurity issues affecting the real estate industry.

The segment focused on cyber-crime, business email compromise, and ransomware’s impact on the Dallas real estate industry. Shawn discussed ways hackers are targeting real estate companies and emphasized the importance of having cyber insurance and selecting the right policy to fit individual needs.

“Most cyber policies will get engaged very quickly. They’ll bring in us as legal counsel, they’ll bring in sometimes a forensic vendor, and they don’t wait until it’s over to start paying,” Shawn explained. “They want to get the professionals – the boots on the ground – immediately because that mitigates their risk.”

Discussing ways realtors can strengthen their cybersecurity and protect client information, Shawn noted, “that the first thing is what any and everybody should do – have multi-factor authentication on all of your accounts.” He also emphasized the importance of backing up data that is disconnected from the computer and main network.

To watch the full video, please click here.