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Shawn Tuma Talks Cybersecurity as Featured Guest on DtSR Podcast

August 26, 2020

Spencer Fane attorney Shawn Tuma recently joined the Down the Security Rabbithole podcast as a featured guest to discuss the legal side of cybersecurity.

Classifying him as a “Cyber Superhero,” podcast hosts Rafel Los and James Jardine interviewed Shawn about his legal practice and his advice on current data security challenges.

Shawn discussed his most common cases this year, explaining that he and his colleagues “are seeing so much ransomware. I think as I sit here today we probably have ten active ransomware cases – we’re seeing mostly small to mid-size companies just get hit nonstop.”

In his practice, Shawn helps businesses protect their information and protect themselves from their information, dealing regularly with cybersecurity, data privacy, data breach and incident response, regulatory compliance, computer fraud related legal issues, and cyber-related litigation.

To listen to the full podcast, please click here.