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Employee Benefits Group Advises on a Post-Pandemic Action Plan

July 9, 2020

The Spencer Fane Employee Benefits group recently hosted the two-part webinar series, “Coming Out of Quarantine,” focused on COVID-19-related policy and regulation changes. Attorneys advised employee benefit plan sponsors on a post-pandemic action plan.

In the first segment of the series, Rob Browning and Steve Rickles addressed retirement plan issues, including: CARES Act enhancements, DOL relief, Electronic delivery of participant notices, Spousal consent issues, and the SECURE Act.

In the second segment of the series, Greg Ash and Julia Vander Weele covered health and welfare plan issues, including: benefit mandates; HSAs and telehealth; DOL reporting and disclosure relief; COBRA issues; and, Liberalization of cafeteria plan election change rules.

Watch the full webinar recordings: Retirement Plans and Health & Welfare Plans